Nitrofurantoin Ine Cas 67-20-9 Yemushonga
Furantoin, inozivikanwawo sefurantoin, furantodine, nitrofurantoin, nitrofurantoin, zita remakemikari 1 - [[(5-nitro-2-furanyl) methylene] amino] - 24-imidazzolidinedioe, inogadzirwa antibacterial agent ine yakakura antibacterial spectrum, ine antibacterial effect pane yakawanda gram-positive uye yakaipa mabhakitiriya, akadai seStaphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus albus uye Streptococcus pyogenes. Mukiriniki, inowanzoshandiswa kune weti system hutachiona hunokonzerwa nehutachiona hwehutachiona, hwakadai seMong pyelonephritis uye urinary tract infection. Cystitis uye prostatitis.
Product Name: | Nitrofurantoin | Batch Nha. | JL20220813 |
Cas | 67-20-9 | MF Date | Aug. 13, 2022 |
Packing | 25KGS/DRUM | Analysis Date | Aug.13, 2022 |
Quantity | 600kgs | Expiry Date | Aug. 12, 2025 |
ITEM 分析项目 | STANDARD 技术指标 | RESULT 实测结果 | |
Chitarisiko | Yellow crystalline powder | Conform | |
Identification | A. Ita bvunzo yakachengetedzwa kubva kuchiedza chakajeka. Shandisa mhinduro yakagadzirirwa kuongororwa. Yakaongororwa pakati pe220nm uye 400nm (2.2.25), mhinduro inoratidza maviri absorption maxima, pa 266nm uye 367nm. The ratio of the absorbance at the maximum at 367nm to that at the maximum at 266nm is 1.36 kusvika 1.42. | Conform | |
B. Dissolve nezve 10mg mu 10ml ye dimethylformamide R. Ku 1ml yemushonga kuwedzera 0.1ml ye 0.5M alcoholic potassium hydroxide. Ruvara rwebrown runokura. | |||
Zvinoenderana zvinhu | Kwete kupfuura 1.0% | Conform | |
Kurasikirwa pakuomeswa | Kwete kupfuura 1.0% | 0.29% | |
Sulfate ash | Kwete kupfuura 0.1% | 0.07% | |
Assay | 98.0 ~102.0% | 99.38% | |
Mhedziso | Qualified |
1.Nitrofurantoin yakanakisa antibacterial drug. Inogona kutorwa nekukurumidza uye zvachose mushure mekutonga nemuromo uye kuburitsa nekukurumidza. Inowanzoshandiswa kurapa urinary tract infections inokonzerwa nemhando dzakasiyana-siyana dzebhakitiriya. Iine mhedzisiro yakanaka paacute urinary tract infections inokonzerwa neEscherichia coli.
2.Iyo yakanakisa antibacterial agent ine yakakura antibacterial spectrum. Iyo yakakodzera kune weti turakiti zvirwere, senge pyelonephritis, pyelitis uye cystitis.
25kgs chigubhu kana zvinodiwa nevatengi. Chengetedza kure nechiedza pane tembiricha iri pasi pe25 ℃.
Nitrofurantoin Ine Cas 67-20-9